
90% of the Population Believes in Elves – Reykjavik, Iceland.

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We have arrived in Iceland! Here a few pics from around Reykjavik (Ray-kee-vic). I’ve been thinking for two days now how I could sum up my thoughts about this city. The only word that comes to mind is quiet. It’s a quiet city. I feel like every time I talk, I am speaking too loud.

Overall the city is really beautiful, clean and feels very safe. It is also extremely expensive (more on this later). We have decided to blow our budget and rent a car and visit the east side of the country and I am very excited. I really like Reykjavik but I’m not “feeling” it, if that makes any sense. I can’t wait to see more of the country and experience some of the sites that make Iceland so unique. One thing I love about this place so far is that it is a really creative city. Walking down the streets is like being on the Etsy craft site but in real time. Homemade items are sold everywhere and there seems to be a large part of the population devoted to the arts. The music is great, the handmade knit items are amazing and I read a bit of a paper today (it was in English) and I fell in love with the abstract, almost poetic writing.

We also spent time at a thermal pool today and I can say that at approximately 7:30 pm GMT, while staring into a well lit sky (doesn’t start to get dark here until like 11pm), at a roof designed with large holes in it (for the snow? not sure, but it is cool) and relaxing in one of 9 thermal hot pools made with a built in sloop to it so your entire body can lying be in the hot water with just your face exposed to the 44 degree cold air, I started to fall in love with Iceland.

I also found out that 90% of the population believes in elves & trolls and I started to fall a bit deeper. How cool is that? I have a feeling Iceland will entrance me completely tomorrow when we hit the road in this strangely quiet but beautiful country.

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*Please remember all photos on this website are copyrighted and property of BeersandBeans.com, NarikosNest.com & Bethany Salvon. Please do not use them without my permission. If you want to use one of them please contact me to ask first because I do love to share and I would be flattered. Thanks!

If you want more information or want to inquire about having your wedding photographed by Nariko’s Nest please contact me at Beth@NarikosNest.com. BeersandBeans readers get 20% and all destination weddings book at 50% off regular rates!! To see more photos please visit NarikosNest.com.

(13) awesome folk have had something to say...

  • Michael Hodson -

    at 6:18 am

    As usual — great shots. And I can start to get the sense of being there. Looking forward to hearing more about it.

  • ayngelina -

    at 6:22 am

    Beautiful post processing, I’m a fan.
    .-= ayngelina´s last blog ..Welcome to the jungle Part 2 of 2 =-.

  • Nick Laborde -

    at 8:42 am

    90% huh, interesting, based on their housing and color choices, that actually makes sense.

    I would think that it wouldn’t be so expensive do to their current financial issues.
    .-= Nick Laborde´s last blog ..7 Harsh Realities And A Thieving Santa =-.

    • beersandbeans -

      at 2:36 pm

      Yeah, we’ve trying to figure out how the people live here considering the economy is so bad. Some things seems normally priced and then other things are out of control expensive. @Nick Laborde,

  • Nick Laborde -

    at 8:42 am

    90% huh, interesting, based on their housing and color choices, that actually makes sense.

    I would think that it wouldn’t be so expensive do to their current financial issues.
    .-= Nick Laborde´s last blog ..7 Harsh Realities And A Thieving Santa =-.

  • Brooke vs. the World -

    at 3:44 pm

    Such a pretty place! Love the photos 🙂

  • […] 69. Beers and Beans – “Don’t get any new debt or any new credit cards,” write the authors, who are currently living in San Diego. “Sell the things you don’t need on Craigslist…Scale WAY back on drinking out at bars and eating out. If you are going out with your friends, offer to be the Designated Driver to save $$. Booze & food will suck the money right out of your bank account…And most importantly: Whatever you want to buy…look at the price tag and imagine what it will buy you in a less developed country. For example 1 video game could be 2 whole days in Cambodia. A new shirt could be 2 days in Thailand or Peru.”  Recommended posts: “Blood, Drugs & Sangria – How To Vacation In A War Zone. Part one of a five part series” and “90% of the Population Believes in Elves – Reykjavik, Iceland.” […]

  • Leigh -

    at 10:48 am

    I know it was a while ago that you were in Iceland but just wanted to let you know that I loved the article and the shots. It’s on my bucket list.

    • Bethany -

      at 12:08 pm

      Oh thanks Leigh! I hope you are doing well. 🙂 @Leigh,

  • […] everything was covered in a constant dew and a dense, spongy moss blanketed even the tiniest nooks. Remembering that 90% of Iceland’s residents believe in elves, I looked for fairies under every rock and water-laden […]

  • […] to the Icelandic National Museum on a Wed – free. We went up the Hallgrimskirkja church for a great view of the city, since no one was there to collect money (and there was no box to leave it in) that was also free. […]

  • shabrina -

    at 1:43 am

    WOOWW!! i love ur Iceland articles.. Will save up and go there for sure