We talked a lot about volunteering on the road in the early days of our travel plans. Soon after we left on our first long term trip, we decided to WWOOF on a Tuscan vineyard, which, as you may imagine, was all we needed to fuel our volunteering spirit. The following year we traveled to Serbia to help usher in its new WWOOF Program, and then last summer we traveled to Guatemala (one of our favorite places on earth) on a volunteer trip with the incredible folks at Cooperative For Education.
Although I would say the romantic notion of picking grapes in Tuscany is decidedly over, I know that we would do it again and I wish I could spend more time and move to another vineyard every couple of weeks to learn a different aspect of the wine making process.
Bethany: Notes From A Winery: WWOOFing In Itay
We’ve laid out our entire collection of volunteer stories and guides for you below, and we will continue to update this section with more travel articles and advice about volunteering in the future. In the meantime, if you have any questions about volunteering or WWOOFing, feel free to contact us.
WWOOF Guides
1. The Essential WWOOFing Pack List
2. So You Wanna WWOOF? Three Tips For Getting Started On Your First Organic Farm
1. Notes From A Winery – WWOOFing In Italy
2. Portraits of WWOOFers | Part 1 – Photo Essay
3. Portraits of WWOOFers | Part 2 – Photo Essay
1. WWOOF Serbia: Our Tentative Itinerary
2. Three Things I Learned From WWOOFing In Serbia
1. Technology And The Children Of Guatemala
3. Discovering Lake Atitlan – Photo Essay
4. Say Hello To My Little Friend… Maximon
5. Five Reasons To Volunteer With CoEd In Guatemala Besides The Kids
6. All The Beautiful Children Of Panajxit – Photo Essay
7. Eat, Weave, Smile: A Guatemalan Home Visit
8. My Favorite Memories From Our Trip To Guatemala With Cooperative For Education
9. Finding our voices (and purpose) in Panajxit, Guatemala
10. Ladies & Gentlemen, We Have A Winner – (Raffle Winner Announcement)
11. Be The Change
12. Big News! New Sponsor, Raffle, Prizes And Updates For Our Guatemala Fundraiser
13. A Little Help From Our Friends: Gogobot joins our cause
14. Education – Give The Gift That Keeps On Giving!
15. It’s Guatemala Week! Read Stories, Enter Our Raffle & Win A Prize Pack!
16. Buenos Dias! We’re fundraising for a very special cause – Join Us!
17. This One’s For The Children of Guatemala! Our Greatest Adventure Yet!
18. Travel With Us This Week On A Very Special Journey To Guatemala
The Ultimate Volunteer Resource List
Clicking on the line above will bring you to a collection of sites we’ve found that provide good information and good opportunities for those looking to volunteer or just give back a little on the road. Please keep in mind that with the exception of WWOOFing in Italy & Serbia and our time with Cooperative For Education, I haven’t tried any of these other places yet. If anyone else reading this has volunteered with any of these particular organizations, or knows of a great one, please leave a comment and let me know your experiences. -Thanks!
- All travelers looking for volunteer and WWOOF information.
- New guides, tips and stories are always being added.
(1) awesome folk have had something to say...
sabretoothedchickenstour -
at 1:41 am
Great post! We planned to do some WWOOFing in Japan this trip but it just didn’t happen this time. It is still on the cards for our family and thanks to blogs like yours we will be well informed.
Saw your travel blogging tip on hostelbookers and visited your site for inspiration.